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Sonia pharmacienne propriétaire Medzy

your health allies

Forget about waiting in line and the race for refills. Thanks to Medzy | Pharmacie Sonia Boutin inc. you can now receive your medication delivered free of charge to your door.

Enter a new era and take advantage of online services. Our affiliated pharmacists care about your health and are there for you.

Free delivery in Quebec
Automatic refills
24/7 emergency service
As featured by

How does it work?

It couldn't be easier!

Sign up and complete your health profile in 5 minutes flat.

We take care of transferring your prescriptions from your old pharmacy.

We deliver your medications right to your door, anywhere in Quebec.

That's it! You get your medication on time, every time.

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Top-notch service for a great price!

And the best part is : You only pay the amount not covered by your insurance. Everything else is included!

Service is now also available for pets

Medzy is a platform that helps you manage the healthcare needs of your pets and family members all in one place. Simplify your life by receiving all your medication wherever you want!

Your pharmacist is just a text away

24/7 phone service for emergencies
Prescriptions and prescription extensions
Instant and confidential consultations
Personalized treatment follow-ups

Eco-friendly packaging

When you use our eco-friendly packs for your regular medications, you consume 57% less plastic than with traditional pharmacy bottles. Yes, you read that right—less plastic! And the packs are 100% recyclable.



That's to be expected. Let's talk!
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Enjoy free delivery anywhere in Quebec

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