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Minor Acne

Have you had a prescription for this condition in the last five years? Our affiliated pharmacists may be able to help.


What is minor acne?

Minor acne is a common skin problem that affects many people, especially teenagers and young adults.


Minor acne is often associated with the following symptoms:


  • Pimples: One of the most obvious symptoms of minor acne is the formation of pimples on the skin. These pimples may be red, swollen and painful to the touch.

  • Blackheads: Small blackheads can also form on the skin. They appear when the pores of the skin are clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells.

  • Whiteheads: Small whiteheads can also form on the skin. They are similar to blackheads, but they are closed and have a white head.


Minor acne is often caused by a combination of factors.


Hormones play an important role in minor acne, especially during adolescence when hormone levels can fluctuate dramatically. 

Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can also contribute to minor acne by increasing levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that can increase sebum production.


Diet can also play a role in minor acne, especially foods high in sugar or fat. 

Skin care products

Finally, some skin care products, such as thick creams and oils, can clog pores and contribute to acne.

Understanding the causes of minor acne can help prevent and treat this skin condition.



  • Gentle cleansing: It is important to gently cleanse your skin to avoid further irritation. Use a gentle facial cleanser in the morning and evening. 

  • Moisturizing: Use a light moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness. 

  • Creams or gels* containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or glycolic acid can help reduce inflammation and clear pimples. 

  • Avoid touching your face: hands can contain bacteria and oil that can make acne worse 

  • Eat a healthy diet: maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can help reduce inflammation and improve the health of your skin. 

  • Avoid products such as oils and thick creams. These can clog pores and make acne worse.

How can I prevent minor acne?

Minor acne can be prevented by following a regular skin care routine. It is important to cleanse your face twice a day with a mild, unscented cleanser to remove excess oil and impurities. It is also important to avoid touching your face with your hands, which can introduce bacteria to the skin. In addition, it is recommended to use non-comedogenic makeup and skin care products to avoid clogging your skin pores. Finally, it's a good idea to watch your diet and avoid fatty and sugary foods that can make acne symptoms worse.

I want a prescription

If you've had a prescription for this condition in the last 5 years

Our affiliated pharmacists may be able to help. Register online, then request a prescription through the Medzy platform. One of our affiliate pharmacists will take the time to review your request in a consultation, answer your questions and agree on the best treatment for you to ensure your safety and best outcomes.

If you have never had a prescription for minor acne or if your last prescription was 5 years ago or more

You should make an appointment with a doctor. 

* Non-exhaustive list: Benzagel® (2.5-5%) Tactupump® Tactupump Forte® Finacea® Différin® Benzaclin® Biacna® Retin-A® Stieva-A®

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